The humble beginnings of the tumbler container: an empty drywall mud bucket with a hole drilled in the bottom.
A short section of PVC electrical conduit will do for a spacer. A completely sealed container would be nice - especially as it would permit running the tumbler media wet - but this way has the dual merits of convenience and simplicity. It may be possible to find some kind of epoxy that will stick to whatever plastic the bucket is made from as well as to the PVC.
I welded a piece of 1/2" threaded rod to the top plate of the platform.

A recycled angle-iron frame to support the assembly...
...along with some scraps of 2x4 and plywood.
After a couple of tests, I added a plywood spacer to the compensate for the lip on the underside of the bucket and another steel plate with a rubber sheet laid over it to clamp the bucket to the shaker platform.
After changing the media to broken glass for a far more agressive cut, the machine will deburr and remove chrome in about eight hours. A little slow, but better than doing it by hand!